If you are submitting a question for Ralph's commentary about a problem, please give a brief description (3 to 5 sentences) of the problem and ask one question.
Important: By submitting a question for Ralph's commentary, you verify and agree that:
1. You live in Calilfornia;
2. You release Ralph Rast and his staff from any and all liabilty;
3. You agree to consult an appropiate professional before you implement or utilize Ralph's commentary to your question.

Ralph & Cindy Rast
My Address:
Ralph E. Rast, M.A., MFT, CHT
6060 Sunrise Vista Dr. #1980
Citrus Heights, Ca. 95610
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Counseling, Hypnosis, & Coaching by Ralph E. Rast, MFT, CHT, & Associates
Copyright by Ralph Rast 2014-2024. All rights reserved
6060 Sunrise Vista Dr. #1996
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
ph: 916-761-6549